33 Questions about Church…
/I wrote these questions and read them to a church during their missions conference.
I love church.
I love how imperfect people, united by grace, find unity, purpose, and answers in a messed-up world. In a culture which questions the value of church, its vital to ask these centering questions.
1. Why do you come to church?
2. Why do we have church?
3. Why did Christ start His church?
4. Does church membership have any meaning?
5. Is church just about the feeling we get or give?
6. Is church just about the sense of community it brings?
7. Is church just about the spiritual guides it provides? (pastoral staff)
8. Is church just about having help when we need to marry our kids, bury our dead, and administer care when life erupts?
9. Is church just about money?
10. Is church just about giving and receiving?
11. Is church just about giving grace in grief?
12. Is church just about showing love when life hurts?
13. Is church just about offering hope when life looks hopeless?
14. Is church just about judging others? (Judging=making others look or feel bad to affirm your self-righteousness)
15. Is church just about its ministries?
16. Is church just about its youth?
17. Is church just about its events?
18. Is church just about its people?
19. Is church exclusively about member maintenance?
20. What if church was intended to be more than its activities?
21. What if church was meant to be the base of operations for God’s mission?
22. What if the purpose of our meeting together each week was not for us or about us, but for the mission of God?
23. What if church membership meant I belong to a fellowship of believers focused on God’s mission in reaching every citizen of the world with the message of Jesus?
24. What if every ministry, activity, or event, was run through this filter? "How does this ministry, event, or activity bring the Gospel to people?"
25. What if we spent every moment of our days focused on God’s mission?
26. What if we saw ourselves as people of influence for the sake of Christ’s name and the Gospel?
27. What if we saw every relationship (kids, grandkids, and friends) as opportunities develop harvest workers?
28. What if we saw ourselves as ambassadors of the Great Commission and responsible for developing harvest relationships with people who do not know about God’s desire to adopt all men into his family?
29. What if the resources I have were meant to be used for the harvest?
30. What if my life was to be about God’s mission and nothing else?
31. What if I had to stand before God and give account for my involvement in God’s mission?
32. How much of your life is submitted to the will of God?