The Value of a Sunday School Teacher

The Value of a Sunday School Teacher

When a church commits to educating its children, youth, teens, and adults, it provides a vital lifeline that connects the Word of God to the hearts of its people. The Sunday school teacher stands at the center of this connection—God’s chosen bridge between His Word and the student.

Sunday school teachers fulfill an essential role in the Great Commission. Without them, the mandate to “teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:20) would go unfulfilled. A church that neglects its educational ministries risks losing a generation’s knowledge of God, His worship, and His ways.

Sunday school teachers are more than educators; they are the first line of defense for a church’s faith and future. By introducing children and teens to the truths of Scripture, Sunday school becomes a powerful avenue for evangelism and discipleship. It offers families a safe space to learn about faith, worship, and obedience to God. Sunday school teachers often act as the primary evangelists in the classroom, presenting Christ to their students and encouraging them to walk in His ways.

Imagine a church without Sunday school teachers. Such a loss would leave a gaping hole in our efforts to teach, evangelize, and obey our Lord’s command. The harvest is plentiful, and Sunday school teachers are the laborers who reap it. Their work changes lives and ensures that the light of God’s truth is passed on to future generations.

To every Sunday school teacher who may read these words, please know this: You are deeply valued. We cherish your relationship with God, your dedication to your students, and your commitment to the ministry of teaching. You stand on the front lines, bridging the gap between ignorance and knowledge, error and truth, and darkness and light.

As a church, we invest heavily in sending missionaries to foreign fields and supporting pastors in their pulpits. But our volunteer Sunday school teachers—this faithful brigade—often fill the gap, ministering directly to those who sit before them each week. Your labor is not in vain.

So, as you step into your classroom this Sunday, know that your efforts are appreciated beyond words. Go prepared—prepared before the Lord in prayer, prepared with the material you have studied, and prepared to change the world one soul at a time.

Thank you for standing in this sacred place.

John O’Malley