Ministry Update - May - June 2019

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May-June, 2019

Dear Praying Friend,

You matter to our family. You pray. You give. We get to go with the Gospel, assist churches and missionaries, and make a difference for the cause of Christ. We owe you a debt of gratitude.

We found the months of May and June filled with God-appointed moments for our ministry in missions. Pictured below are five of WW families on deputation in a missions conference in Pigeon Forge, TN held at Freedom Baptist Church.

Five WWNTBM families in Pigeon Forge, tN

Five WWNTBM families in Pigeon Forge, tN

Because of your praying, we sensed God’s protection and provision in travel. During these two months I traveled twice to the West coast and traveled on the East coast to assist a church plant, help churches with leadership development, take part in an ordination of a man, and encouraged churches in their missions giving. Your praying moved the hand of God for us. Thank you. You prayed; we experienced His provision, protection, and good health. 

Because of your giving, God met the needs in our life each month. Your support, gifts, and Kim’s employment at World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions helps our family stay full time in the work of Christ. There is not a gallon of gas purchased, books and materials used, or trips made to assist others without your giving. You gave; we saw God’s provision, blessing, and saw our needs met.

Because of your compassion, I stood with Pastors, assisted missionaries, encouraged the weary, lifted the down trodden, helped church members, preached the Gospel, saw people get saved, and watched as God called some to ministry. Your compassion gave us security, strength, and success.

Because of your interest in the Great Commission, I need you to pray. The first church I started in Grenada asked if we would come in July to honor the National Pastor who worked with us. We will help the church honor him and his wife. The couple, Milton and Evelyn Williams are both in their eighties and this is a divine moment for us to be a blessing. Will you pray God will meet this need for Kim and me? The tickets are $900.00 each. We had enough set aside to pay for almost one ticket. Can you help us? (We did not expect this request; so, we did not plan for it as they just called at the beginning of July to ask us to come the weekend of July 21, 2019.)

Because God is faithful, we trust Him. Because you are faithful, we help missionaries, churches, and young people get involved in the mission of God. Because of your compassion, giving, and continued interest, you inspire us to faithfulness. We are grateful to you.

Thank you for helping us serve in His harvest,

John and Kim O’Malley