You’re Not Alone — Resource From Ninth Hour Prayer Meeting


On April 11, 2020, my sisters, Bonny and Charie, along with my niece Rachel, Bonny’s daughter, appeared with me on the Ninth Hour Prayer Meeting. (The Ninth Hour Prayer Meeting is an online prayer meeting where we pray about COVID-19 and every aspect of life and ministry)

The Prayer Meeting offers two parts. A segment of information and a part of intercession. COVID-19 touches every aspect of life, homes, and ministry. We share information on how the virus affects life and ministry. We then take our petitions to the Lord.

While on the Ninth Hour Prayer Meeting, my niece and sisters, who are Christian School educators, spoke of how COVID-19 affects students and parents. They compiled a resource for parents whose children are in home-bound education. The resource is available below. If my child or I knew a child who was in home-bound education or home-based education, get this resource. If you are a parent or know a parent, get this resource.

Link to download