Final Letters of the Year
August to December, 2023
Dear Praying Friend,
Your faithfulness in supporting and praying for me has outstripped my writing and reporting in the last four months. Thank you for your patience and graciousness. For many of you, I did not make the quota of letters in the last five months of the year. Please accept the unusual lengthiness of this letter.
God allowed me to assist with another missions agency, the Armed Forces Baptist Mission, by teaching, preaching, and consulting. This agency assists US Military personnel with their Gospel needs.
The office staff at World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions gathered for a day of training held on the Ambassador Baptist College campus. We used this time for staff training, reconnecting after the summer, and focusing on closing out the year. We invited the head of the missions department to join part of our meeting to discuss trips. We also asked Cody Carden, my intern from the Summer, to attend. Cody will assist me with See the Harvest beginning next year.
World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions added a new missions family to our family. Brother Stephen Minion. The Minions will serve in Brazil.
I spoke at several mission conferences during the month. God allowed me to talk to future missionaries about missionary service.
Kim and I got COVID. We recovered well and were back at work for Kim and on the road for me after quarantine. I spoke at a supporting church in Delaware with our missionary to the deaf in Philadelphia, Matt and Colleen Dundon. Matt is serving the Lord, evangelizing the lost, and planting a church amongst the thousands of deaf in this vital East Coast city.
I assisted our missionaries with counsel, advice, and prayers.
Missionary to the deaf: Matt Dundon
I spoke with and to college students about missionary service at Ambassador Baptist College. I talked to the general assembly of the student body and one-to-one about See the Harvest and World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions. These seed-sowing conversations are the first steps a student takes toward missionary service.
I spoke at Mount Abarim Baptist church in Cuernavaca, Mexico. My friend, Pastor Alex Ramirez, allowed me to speak at their mission conference. Mount Abarim is doing great evangelistic work in supporting missions, sending out their missionaries, and evangelizing their city.
I visited India to visit our people in Bangalore and the surrounding areas. I brought my friend, Duey Whitfield. Brother Whitfield is a church planter to the Spanish-speaking people in the USA. This was his first trip to the country with the largest population in the world. We visited a village church in Southern India. The Pastor and congregation honored us with a garland of Sandalwood and Turmeric. They also gave a shawl of welcome, which you see in the photos.
I accomplished a vital task for World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions, working with the Government of India’s accounting requirements in legally bringing and accounting for the support to our people who serve there.
In Conclusion:
Throughout the year, God allowed me to share the Gospel from the pulpit and in personal conversations. I rejoice with those who trusted Him and for those submissive hearts to the call of missions.
Kim and I will spend Christmas and hope to receive our granddaughter, Sidney Clare, right after Christmas.
Thank you for your prayers, patience, and support.
Yours for the harvest,
John O'Malley