Does your Missionary have this tool? They need it!

Have you ever heard a missionary speak about the deputation process? They might say, “We make thousands of calls, to speak to hundreds of preachers and their assistants, to schedule scores of meetings, so we can drive a hundred thousand miles, so we can leave for the place God called us.”

To some, the process sounds hard, difficult, and filled with disappointment.

You’re right, It can be.

There are no shortcuts to deputation.

Deputation is like running a marathon. You do not just wake up one morning and run 26.2 miles. You need training, practice and a journal to keep track of your progress. In marathons and missions, what you do not measure you cannot improve.

There are no shortcuts to running a marathon. In missions, there are no shortcuts either.

The missionary needs the same three things a marathon runner needs. A missionary needs training, practice, and a journal to measure their progress.

On Friday, I saw software made for missionaries. This software, places the three tools in their hands to complete the  marathon called Deputation. The software, helps missionaries locate churches, connect with pastors, and track their progress on deputation.

If you know a missionary, they need this tool. If you’re a Pastor, your missionary needs this tool. If you are a missionary, you need this tool.

Think about it this way. If your calendar, your map, your things to do list, and your monthly financial statement of missionary support were put into a blender, the smoothie you would get is this software.

A lifetime license for this software is $60. The price after the deadline is $137. (See the link below to pre-register for this pricing.)

You pay nothing now. You are under no obligation. You can run this marathon without the training, practice and the personal journalling this software provides. But, why not get the tool you need to do the job with efficiency?

This vital tool is available on any Internet enabled device. I used it with success on my phone, tablet, and computer.

One more thing, this is a great tool for missionaries. Tell them I sent you.
